23 June 2008

From My Head Down to My Legs

I love eggs. Remember that commercial? I always thought it was pretty catchy. No Daisy sour cream ad for sure, but still catchy.

Anyway, it is because of my love for eggs that every morning I pick up my plate and lick it clean.

I wish there was a good reason for this. I came up with a few including gas prices and the Bush administration. I toyed with the connection to global warming, but it was slippery at best. I really think this awesome new habit I have came because this is the fifth year that have lived Alone. One day you just realize that no one can see you, you will not hear keys jingling in the door and then have to explain why there is yolk in your hair, and no matter how badly they may want to, your pets can't tell on you.

Once you realize that, a transformation occurs and your Living Alone self comes out. It is the part of your brain that would be Booger if all the characters in Animal House represented parts of your psyche. I look forward to discussing Booger the Living Alone self in greater detail in the coming weeks.

Have a lovely day. :)