For a few weeks now I've been putting together a contest entry to attempt to win $25,000 to start my nonprofit newsletter for high schools. I could start with next to nothing, and probably will, but it pains me not to have a website to correspond with the newsletter. To use the website development company I want to use will cost around $8,000. Thus, I enter a contest. The contest is meant for nonprofits that will encourage environmental sustainability, so I'm using the fact that young people are more in tune with the "green" movement as the crux of my entry even thought the newsletter will cover all sorts of topics.
I post the video part of the entry for my friends and family. It's not too late to make changes, but the damn thing's too big to send via e-mail. Thus, I finally start a blog so I can beg for their input. For those who would like to know, the music in the video is Rage Against The Machine's "Take The Power Back." If it's not there by the time you read this, then, well, life is full of disappointments.
I should admit now that I was anti-blog for years, believing that only delusions of grandeur would lead anyone to, for all intents and purposes, keep a public journal. Alas, "blogging" has become a verb, and some people have made it an art. As a person who espouses the virtues of accepting change, I open myself to the expression wave of the times. It has to be more fun than MySpace!